National University of Science and Technology Politehnica of Bucharest (formerly know as University Politehnica of Bucharest) is the largest University in Romania, with great expertise and bearing an essential role in the development of Higher Education in the country.
One of its research and development centres, UNSTPB-CAMIS (formerly known as UPB-CAMIS), has a vast experience and expertise in Industry 4.0 concepts, ranging from CAD/CAM technologies, additive and digital manufacturing, to Augmentead and Virtual Reality technology for increased innovation and creativity in Engineering, these concepts being taught to students for several years. Novel technologies such as augmented reality, additive manufacturing, together with advanced CAD/CAM technologies constituted an integral part in the training process of a technical engineer. The academic and technical staff of CAMIS centre has experience in applied ICT technologies concepts. Among other fields, our expertise lies also with e-learning technologies, customization and design of such platforms/environments, augmented reality technologies for educational purposes, the design and implementation of Eco-technologies and enjoyable adult learning.
The CAMIS centre has a rich experience with European projects, both as a coordinator and as a reliable partner. Our centre was involved in Longlife Learning Projects such as Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus+ type of projects with highly appreciated results by the target audiences and end-users. We were also involved in two FP5 and FP6 research projects gaining an appreciable amount of experience in the dissemination process.
During the last 5 years, CAMIS centre has ongoing close links and contacts with partners from France, United Kingdom, Portugal, Greece, Finland, Lithuania, Belgium, Germany, Malta, Estonia Czech Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Croatia, Latvia, Turkey.
Based on our expertise and experience, UPB CAMIS can help your organisation to find, manage and attract EU and other International opportunities.