MAGIC dissemination activities
Project Newsletters
- Newsletter -Issue 1
- Newsletter -Issue 2
- Newsletter -Issue 3
- Newsletter -Issue 4
- Newsletter -Issue 5
- Newsletter -Issue 6
Participation to POLIFEST2019
MAGIC project was present during POLIFEST2019, 11-13 April 2019, the largest Technical Educational fair in Romania (over 20000 participants -students, academics and SMEs representatives)
Project multiplier events (ME)
M1 Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing - Malta
Due to social distancing measures the multiplier event were split into two sessions, with the main aim being to promote Industry 4.0 technology and the shift towards global digital manufacturing.
The first multiplier event was held in a conference hall at the DB San Antonio hotel, Malta, with an attendance of thirty people, mainly consisting of HEI Trainers, HEI learners, stakeholders related to the HEI sector including policy makers and managers, SMEs representatives. The second event was held at MCAST (Malta College of Art Science and Technology) with an attendance of thirty-seven students.
M2 Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing - Iceland
Due to strict Covid restrictions in force for most of the school year 2020 – 2021 and again in August 2021, it was not possible to organise multiplier events. However, a small window opened in September and October 2021, which was used to set up the M2 event. This event was organised at the premises of University of Akureyri, lecture hall M201, on October 12th 2021. The aim was to catalyse interest in the MAGIC project results, especially among students and lecturers in technical study lines, explain the results and encourage the audience to make use of them. The project’s Intellectual Outputs were explained and some of them disseminated during the event. Participants were able to use the MAGIC OER platform by exploring and provide feedback on the modular course ‘Industry 4.0 for Global Digital Manufacturing’.
M3 Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing - Romania, Bistrita Nasaud
The first multiplier event to be held in Bistrița was organised after a long period of restrictions imposed locally by the Prefecture. Even so CCIBN, using online instruments and local meetings, implemented some disseminatin action to create the interest for the ME. The M3: Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing was organised at the premises of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Romania, on 1st of July 2021, with the participation of local target audience stakeholders (stidents , staff, companies). The event was jointly organised by CCI BN and was aimed at both raising awareness of the MAGIC project and project results with a special interest in larger dissemination of the new training as part of CCI BN portfolio.
M3 Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing - Romania, Bistrita Nasaud
The second multiplier event to be held in Bistrița was organised having in mind the restrictions imposed locally by the Prefecture. However, the PC went to extensive lengths to organise several smaller events at the premises of other universities that were allowed to organise them. The M2: Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing was organised at the premises of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Romania, on 7th of October 2021, with the participation of local target audience stakeholders (staff in local companies).
M4 Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing - Romania, Galati
As the Multiplier Event scheduled and announced already for the beginning of March 2020 was not possible to be organised due to strict restrictions imposed by the Romanian Government (lockdown), the University Politehnica of Bucharest and central/local authorities. However, the project promoter went to extensive lengths to organise several smaller events at the premises of other universities that were allowed to organise them. The event was originally scheduled to take place at University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu, Romania, but due to strict local rules, the project promotor was not able to organise the event there (Several attempts were made, but without success). Instead, the event was split into two and it was organised at the premises of University "Dunarea de Jos" of Galati and University "Constantin Brancusi" of Targu Jiu.
The M4 : Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing was organised at the premises of University “Dunarea de Jos” Galati (UGAL), Romania, on 14th of May 2021, with the participation of local target audience stakeholders (students and staff). The event was jointly organised by UPB-CAMIS and the Center of Excellence for Polymer Processing that activates within UGAL and was aimed at both raising awareness of the MAGIC project and project results.
M4 Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing - Targu Jiu
The M4: Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing was organised at the premises of University “Constantin Brancusi” of Targu Jiu (UCB), Tg Jiu, Romania, on 21 st of April 2021, with the participation of local target audience stakeholders (students and staff). The event was jointly organised by UPB-CAMIS and the Faculty of Engineering, UCB and was aimed at both raising awareness of the MAGIC project and project results.
M5 Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing - Brasov
The final conference due to be held in Bucharest was not organised due to strict restrictions imposed by University Politehnica of Bucharest and central/local authorities. However, the project promoter (University Politehnica of Bucharest) went to extensive lengths to organise several smaller events at the premises of other universities that were allowed to organise them.
The M5: Understanding Industry 4.0 to Foster Global Manufacturing was organised at the premises of University Transilvania of Brasov (UTBV), Brasov, Romania, on 10th of March 2021, with the participation of local target audience stakeholders (students and staff). The event was jointly organised by UPB-CAMIS and the Faculty of Engineering, UTBV and was aimed at both raising awareness of the MAGIC project and project results.
A number of the project’s Intellectual Outputs were explained and disseminated during the event. Participants in this event had the chance of using the MAGIC OER platform through which they can try, explore and provide feedback on the modular course ‘Industry 4.0 for Global Digital Manufacturing’.