ARTE3DP project objectives

Created: 11 July 2016 Last Updated: 11 July 2016 Published Date Hits: 15571

Objectives of the ARTE3DP project:

Taking into consideration the above aspects, the current proposal is a continuation and development of the ARTE project and aims to create a common structure, curriculum and content for the “Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D printing (3DP)” interdisciplinary teaching module aimed at Science/Engineering/Business Higher Education stakeholders.   As the ARTE project only dealt with Augmented Reality technologies, there is a trend now linking AR with 3D printing for better visualization of the final product (please see, for making 3D printing more feasible and more economical (only printing once, as the AR helps the final user foresee how the printed object will look like into the real environment, better visualization of the final product from a 3D perspective and from all angles as facilitated by the AR experience, etc.).

For this reason, the ARTE3DP project will:

  1. Develop a training framework to support students in acquiring entrepreneurial skills related to and exploiting AR and 3DP technology
  2. To develop an innovative interdisciplinary teaching module (AR & 3DP training material, course support, case studies, etc.)
  3. To further raise awareness on the new AR technologies and 3DP for prospective business entrepreneurs via case-studies & a number of dissemination activities.

The ARTE3DP project will involve as associated/silent partner the Asociatia Glasul Romilor Pro-Europa that will organize a training seminar in that area with minimum 15 roma participants (preferably with higher education studies or currently involved in tertiary education, with pre-existing minimal ICT knowledge) that will be trained in these novel technologies to boost their entrepreneurial skills.