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Politehnica University of Bucharest
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Tel.: +4 021 402 9541
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INDEX Multiplier Event
Erasmus+ Project No. 2018-1-DE02-KA202-005228“INDEX - Industrial Expert”
Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, prin centrul CAMIS, va invita sa participati la un eveniment de multiplicare (workshop) realizat in cadrul proiectului INDEX - Industrial Expert, finantat de catre Comisia Europeana prin programul Erasmus+. in care UPB-CAMIS este partener. Vor fi prezentate in detaliu rezultatele proiectului, din care amintim profilul INDEX al expertului industrial VET (in Industrie 4.0) si curs despre Industria 4.0, oferit complet gratuit si care cuprinde urmatoarele module: introducere, antreprenoriat, tecjnologie, sensori si automatizari, fabricatie aditiva, Internetul obiectelor, realitate augmentata, etc. (curs care este plasat pe o platforma MOOC.
Evenimentul va avea loc in data de 22 iunie 2021, ora 10, in amfiteatrul CD016 din cadrul Facultatii de Inginerie Industrial si Robotica, Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, Splaiul Independentei 313, sector 6, Bucuresti, 060042, Romania.
Workshopul este destinat atat formatorilor din domeniul VET, dar si companiilor (IMM-uri) care doresc aplicarea oportunitatilor oferite de conceptele Industrie 4.0 in area lor de expertiza.
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Comunicat de presa
Erasmus+ Project No. 2017-1-MT01-KA204-026949 funded by EUPA MaltaVirtual & Augmented Reality Trainers Toolbox to Enable Adults Catch Up With Life Skills
Exploatați tehnologia realitatii virtuale si augmentate pentru a atrage cursanții adulți in dobândirea competentelor digitale necesare in secolul XXI
Conform studiilor efectuate de Comisia Europeana, aproximativ 45% dintre adulți încă nu dispun de competențe digitale de bază, această situație împiedicând progresul carierei, interacțiunea socială și stilul de viață. Proiectul Erasmus + VITA a lansat recent un set de resurse de instruire disponibile în mod gratuit, ca parte a unui set de instrumente digitale care să contribuie în abordarea acestui proces. Grupul țintă principal al proiectului, formatorii pentru adulți, vor putea să exploateze aceste resurse prin intermediul Instrumentului "VITA Digital Training Toolbox" pentru a transfera cunoștințe pe tema abilităților digitale de bază, cursanților adulți care trebuie să-și atingă competențele digitale. Acest proiect care a început în octombrie 2017 a fost finanțat de Agenția Națională Erasmus + din Malta, a exploatat expertiza a 5 organizații europene, inclusiv UPB-CAMIS, pentru a dezvolta cursurile relevante. Cursul dezvoltat este modular și poate fi accesat gratuit la sau Un aspect inovator al cursurilor este că include o serie de studii de caz care exploatează atât realitatea augmentată, cât și realitatea virtuală.
Informații suplimentare despre proiectul VITA pot fi accesate de pe , sau prin trimiterea unui e-mail la adresa This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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Erasmus+ Project No. 2018-1-DE02-KA202-005228“INDEX - Industrial Expert”
Project information
The onset of the fourth industrial revolution known as “Industry 4.0” is a key technological feature at the current stage of human development. The working group on Industry 4.0 characterized its vision of the new industrial revolution as a worldwide implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in manufacturing processes, which are not only in charge for certain manufacturing stages, but are able to monitor and optimize manufacturing processes completely on its own. The greatest challenge of the Industry 4.0 however isn’t technology – it is the skills and digital qualifications of the peopel who need to roll out digital processes and services. For almost every business and, of course, all engineering or manufacturing companies, enhancing skills and organisational structures will be critical.
All latest studies show, that such rapid pace of technological development makes it almost impossible for existing vocational education and training to provide adequate and timely solutions. An essential prerequisite for the implementation of the „Industry 4.0“ as a whole and specifically for additive manufacturing technologies is a training of professionals competent in effectively using huge opportunities of innovative solutions offered by the fourth industrial revolution.
The term was coined in 2011 when the German government defined I 4.0 as an integral element of the German “High-tech Strategy 2020”, communicating the vision of the new industrial revolution as a worldwide implementation cyber physical systems in manufacturing processes, which are not only in charge for certain manufacturing stages, but are able to monitor and optimize manufacturing processes completely on its own.
Critical are the linking and development of ICT, reliable communication networks, Internet technologies, Big Data and OAIS (Open Archival Information Systems) as well as global production networks. The innovation is in particular the efficiency due to the global link.
The observations made by the consortium partners coincide with a large number of studies and analyses in the area of I 4.0, e.g. conclusions of the joint analysis of VDI and ASME on needs of the German Industry, analysis made by GATS and the Frauenhofer SCL Institute, statements of leading consulting companies and industrial companies themselves.
These show, that the rapid pace of technological development makes it almost impossible for existing vocational education and training to provide adequate and timely solutions.
Necessary for the implementation of corresponding technologies and the use of market options in practice is the training of specialists. Irrespective of numerous technical innovations, learning in the field of VET often continues to take place in the classical analog way. One of the goals is therefore to make digital resources accessible to teachers and learners as an elementary opportunity for the future, to impart skills and application-oriented learning and teaching. Furthermore, we will provide general guidance in the targeted use of digital media in modern VET learning.
The INDEX consortium - A good practice example
Led by the INTAMT Group, the INDEX project brings together the know-how of six strong European partners from business, academia and vocational institutions. For excellent project management, this consortium has been awarded as Good Practice Example during the ENEX project. This consortium was qualitatively extended for the current project.
- INTAMT (Germany)
- “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC) (Italy)
- ASEV (Italy)
- University of Lodz (Poland)
- University Politehnica of Bucharest, CAMIS center (Romania)
- SAXIO University of Applied Science (the Netherlands)
- Hochschule Düsseldorf (Germany)
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